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Server Monitor PA Server Monitor

Powerful Network & Server Monitoring Software

Key Features:

  • Checkmark On premises agentless monitoring
  • Checkmark Monitor hundreds of remote networks, and/or just the local network
  • Checkmark Monitor Windows, Linux, network devices, etc.
  • Checkmark Web based reports and a native Windows GUI application
  • Checkmark Ping, CPU, memory, disk, SNMP + traps, Event Logs, services, etc.
  • Checkmark No scripts or configuration files required
Server Monitor Console

Customers who trust Power Admin

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30 Day Evaluation

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ionicons-v5-e Easily ping servers and network devices

ionicons-v5-e Agentless monitoring from a service

ionicons-v5-e Ping, CPU, memory, disk, SNMP + traps, events, ...

ionicons-v5-e Remote monitoring through outgoing port 443

ionicons-v5-e Built-in secure remote server access

ionicons-v5-e Simple: Customers love this product :)

Compare us to the competition

PA Server Monitor beats the competition in power, robustness, ease of use, and more.

See PA Server Monitor vs the Competition

Server Monitoring for the Enterprise

ionicons-v5-e Robust security, your data stays on your servers

ionicons-v5-e Automatic failover with a hot standby server

ionicons-v5-e Access control to limit who sees what

ionicons-v5-e Event Deduplication, Event Escalation, and Alert Suppression so you see what is most important

ionicons-v5-e SNMP, Traps, Syslog and more to support a diverse computing environment

ionicons-v5-e Backup SMTP server settings to help ensure alerts get out

ionicons-v5-e Optionally store monitor data in Microsoft SQL Server

ionicons-v5-e See everything, even remote sites, on a single pane of glass

Live Demo

Click to see a demonstration of an active system.

Product Editions

There are four product editions of PA Server Monitor.

Which suits you best? Click here to see!

Protection and peace of mind in under 8 minutes ...

That's how long it takes on average to download, install AND configure the FREE trial of our server monitoring software. See for yourself how PA Server Monitor suits YOUR needs perfectly! Download and put us to the test right now.

MSP Friendly

ionicons-v5-e Centrally monitor remote customer sites

ionicons-v5-e Requires no incoming ports in customer firewalls

ionicons-v5-e Safely connect to customer servers without purchasing additional tools

ionicons-v5-e Low subscription pricing (optional)

ionicons-v5-e Not cloud based, so your customer data stays at your site

ionicons-v5-e Attractive reports that can be sent to customers

ionicons-v5-e Report branding

ionicons-v5-e and application branding

ionicons-v5-e Give customers web-based access to just their reports with Access control


  • Less Work: Easily configure server monitoring for hundreds of servers/devices with a few clicks
  • Peace of Mind: Securely monitor DMZs and remote offices from a central Console, without a VPN, without agents on every server, and without holes in the remote firewall
  • Convenience: Work from home or on the road as easily as from the office
  • Save Time: Status reports and alerts help you stay on top of your IT infrastructure without manual monitoring
  • Simplicity: Our customers regularly tell us that PA Server Monitor is the easiest to use in its class


Monitor 1000+ servers/devices from a single installation, and more via Satellite Monitoring Services

Rich Reporting

Status reports for servers/devices, group summaries, uptime, and historic stats. Reports are viewable via HTTP, can be password protected, and delivered via email.

Responsive Actions and Alerts

Customizable email, SMS and other notification types. Suppress and escalate certain notifications. Automatically restart services and run custom scripts.

Distributed Monitoring

Supports full monitoring of remote offices/locations, across firewalls, including across the Internet without a VPN or needing to open the remote firewall [Available in the Ultra edition]

Agentless Monitoring

Nothing needs to be installed on monitored servers.


Change individual monitor settings, poll cycles, alerts and reports

Error Auditing and Reminders

Make sure problems don't slip through the cracks with error auditing, and audit reports

Bulk Config

Speed configuration activities by making broad configuration changes to many servers/devices with just a few mouse clicks

Smart Config

Smart Config can quickly create and customize default monitors for a list of computers that you can simply paste into the Console. Or let the Discovery process find servers with a Ping sweep.

Maintenance Schedules

Automatically stop monitoring during scheduled maintenance windows, and then automatically start again

Optional Subscription Pricing

Only pay for what you use. And take advantage of possible tax benefits by moving capital costs to operating expenses.

I love your monitoring software. It is so easy to use!

Julie H., Lincoln, NE, USA ionicons-v5-b