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Subscription Pricing - PA Server Monitor

Subscription Advantages

  • This is NOT a hosted service. Unlike competing subscription services, you keep all of your sensitive passwords, configuration and data on your own hardware.
  • Get constant access to PA Server Monitor Ultra
  • Always get the very latest software releases (Support & Maintenance is built in)
  • No up-front cost (your first charge won't happen for 30 days), and you can cancel at any time
  • Pay monthly only for the amount of servers/devices that are monitored (only pay after you have new clients paying you)
  • Very fast to setup

Low Cost Monitoring

Pricing is on a per-monitored-device basis. Our billing system will find the lowest amount to charge, either by using your lowest server count in the month, or using a higher number if that gets you into a lower price bracket.

- Support & Maintenance included

- Monthly price per monitored server/device

# Servers/ Devices Discount Each
1-9$6.00 USD
10-1940 %$3.60 USD
20-4952 %$2.88 USD
50-9965 %$2.10 USD
100-24978 %$1.32 USD
250-49988 %$0.72 USD
500-9999991 %$0.54 USD
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Perpetual Licensing

Perpetual Licenses are also available with the pricing shown here.

I have been a server admin for the previous 15 years and [PA Server Monitor] really seems to hit the mark for functionality, price, performance, ease of setup/use. Great job!

Mark H., Infineum, USA ionicons-v5-b