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PA Server Monitor System Requirements

PA Server Monitor has been designed to use as few system resources as possible. The goal is to not affect the server it is running on, and also not to affect any monitored servers.

In general, if just a few servers are being monitored the impact will be negligible

System Requirements

Operating System:

  • This application can be installed on a physical or VM platform that has one of the following operating systems installed.
  • Windows Client: 8, 8.1, 10, 11
  • Windows Server: 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 2022
  • 32- and 64-bit operating systems can be monitored, though the software only installs on 64-bit versions of Windows


  • .NET 4.6.2 or higher for report generation


  • 50 - 500 MB of free physical RAM for the monitoring process, depending on the total number of servers monitored, number of monitors running, etc.
  • The amount of RAM needed will go up and down during the monitoring cycles. Every few minutes the monitoring service flushes unneeded memory to keep the process size small. RAM usage will increase when running certain data intensive reports, or if running a monitor that uses a large amount of data from the database. However, these increases will be temporary.

Disk Space:

  • 700 MB - 50 GB* of disk space
  • * Database size is affected by how often the monitors run, how many there are, and how long the data is kept.
  • The amount of required disk space varies widely based on the amount of data to store in the database. The program files are approximately 650 MB, and report files and logs are roughly 50 MB. A 'typical' installation (where the default monitors are used on a single computer) would use roughly 5 MB for the database files.
  • Database Size Estimator Spreadsheet.xlsx

CPU Usage:

  • You configure the target CPU usage
  • The Settings dialog lets you specify a target CPU Usage %. In general the monitoring service will attempt to keep CPU usage at or below that level. Occasionally, when flushing data to the database or when running large reports, the CPU Usage can spike higher, but that will be temporary and should not have an impact on the system.
  • In addition, certain long-running monitors will use low-priority threads so they will only use unneeded CPU cycles, and get pushed to the background immediately if 'real' work needs to be done by the system.


  • The recommended hardware configurations for your version of Windows will be sufficient for PA Server Monitor.
  • Since PA Server Monitor is so quick and easy to install, downloading and trying it is probably the easiest way to see exactly how it will behave in your environment with your configuration.

The Product Security page can answer any questions you might have regarding monitoring security.

Windows 10 Compatibility Statement

PA Server Monitor is supported by Power Admin LLC on the following editions of Windows 10 - Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Education, and Windows 10 Enterprise. PA Server Monitor is supported on the in-market supported servicing branches of Windows 10 including - Current Branch and Current Branch for Business and the Long-Term Servicing branch.

This is going to be a very busy year for us - and this product is a God-send. The learning curve here is NOT steep, the support outstanding. PA Monitor - just gets it done.

Oly G., On-Site Computer Solutions, USA ionicons-v5-b