* Added some APC battery properties to the Inventory Collector
* Inventory Collector monitor can read SNMP values from InventoryList.txt
* IgnoreScriptErrors variable added to $mon for Powershell Execute Script
* Fixed rare problem where older state would show up in monitor status
* Added RENAME_USER_ACCESS command line to rename user access settings
* Updated Web Page Monitor to allow scripts between checks for extracting data from pages
* Fixed Bulk Config's Monitors: Delete Monitors to work on template-derived monitors
* Fixed some problems with database transfers
* Fixed race condition during template propagation where some monitors might get lost
* AD Login Monitor will throttle it's CPU usage better
* AD Login database writer is a bit more performant
* Fix for Ping Monitors getting behind
* Fix for Web Page Monitor regression bug from
* New
Remote Desktop Gateway monitor
* Disk Space Full Check will by default use straight line prediction instead of looking at quadratic
* When a monitor comes out of Satellite Disconnected it will show its previous status
* Web Page Monitor can append content in OK status (as well as Alert status as before)
* Web Page Monitor script $mon.Details will be appended to the monitor status whether firing actions or not
* Improvement to help prevent the internal HTTP server from getting behind
* Task Scheduled Monitor will show
* Fix for UI glitch when chosing field values for reports
* Fixed a problem with accessing ESXi servers when the password contains a space
* Fix for SNMP Walk when looking for the starting OID for devices that respond with End of MIB
* Logging that will show which Performance object is returning faulty data
* Ability for Performance monitor to try to continue even if data is corrupted
* Better finding the starting OID for an SNMP Walk
* Internal changes to reduce CPU usage
* File & Directory Change monitor doing proper impersonation on one call where it was missing before
* Better AWS counter monitoring error messages
* Changes to reduce CPU usage in large installations
* Change to Log File Monitor to allow checking multiple lines at once for patterns
* Update for SNMP Monitors that will now show charts in their alerts
* Fix for database transfer of the Active Directory Change monitor
* More shutdown logging
* GET_SERVER_PROP API function supports multiple property look ups per request
* Emailed report PDFs will use the report title for the PDF file name
* Better check for customer SSL/TLS certificates before regenerating
* Event Log monitor handles timeouts better
* Execute Script won't alert based on FireActions if $mon.ReportResults has already been called
* AD Logins report fix
* Rebuilt a library with (little used) SIMD extensions removed for broader CPU support
* Added 'contains' and 'does-not-contain' operators for text-based SNMP checks
* Recent Logins report for the AD Login Monitor can show recent login at the start or end of a period
* Added Group Name to Custom Group Report email subjects
* Better LDAP error when credentials are wrong
* Protect Console against a rare crash
* Added $mon.ComputerAlias for the Execute Script monitor
* Added operators % ^ & | to the expression evaluator
* Fix for lock in the Service monitor
* Added support for multi-Item escalation in Execute Script monitors
* AD Login Monitor can cleanup the database without needing a locally running monitor
* When exporting computer config as a template, monitors are disconnected from templates as needed
* When importing computer config from a file, do not 'fit' monitors - import as-is
* Fix for group reports not showing internationalized titles
* Fix for duplicate rows in the Largest Directories report for the Directory Quota monitor
* Change to support the APP_POOL_WAS\Current Application Pool Uptime performance counter
* Disk Space monitor can retrieve disk stats via SSH
* Registry setting for optionally forcing HTTP connections to not get reused
* Registry setting so Run Now can optionally NOT override monitor period and dependencies
* Added HTTP/2 support to the Web Page Monitor
* Fix for Executive Summary report section titles
* Fixed testing Execute Script powershell monitors when they are a template
* Fixed TCP/UDP selector for SNMP monitors
* Fix for Database Server Monitor template propagation
* Fix for expanding performance counters with ? and Regular Expressions
* Fix for SNMP v3 Traps/Informs