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Live Demo

What You'll See

Live Demo

Virginia, USA - The Live Demo is hosted on an Amazon EC2 medium instance. It monitors itself and a few other servers in the Virginia data center.

The Live Demo's Central Service has four Satellite Monitoring Services communicating with it:

  • Georgia, USA - A Satellite Monitoring Service running on our live production web server monitoring itself and our production database server
  • Kansas, USA - A Satellite Monitoring Service in our office which is monitoring test servers, temperature probes, etc.
  • Kansas, USA - A Satellite Monitoring Service at 'ABC Company', a fictional customer site.
  • Ireland, EU - A Satellite Monitoring Service running on an Amazon EC2 Micro instance monitoring itself

This small installation is monitoring approximately 120+ servers/devices.


You can view the demo three different ways:


Visit the following link with your web browser:

NOTE: Since the default is to use a self-signed certificate, that is what the demo is using. You can add your own certificate to your installation.

Mobile App

Both iPhone and Android apps can quickly connect.

Port: 81

Console Application

Download the latest release and install the Console part of the application.

Port: 81


Two sets of credentials are available to demonstrate Access Control. Either can be used with the different connection options above.


View everything (read-only for the demo)

User: demo
Password: demo

Customer 'ABC'

A fictional company's view of their own servers and devices. Managed Service Providers would give this kind of access to their customers.

User: abc
Password: demo

We appreciate all your hard work and dedication to getting the problem resolved. Wish more companies had the support that you guys offer.

Todd W., Beasley Allen, USA ionicons-v5-b