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16 employees
Website Solutions
U.K. & Cypress
Dynamic Works Used PA Server Monitor to Get Immediate Notifications of Service Failures
Founded in 2003, Dynamic Works is a leading global provider of on-demand, integrated, custom business management software for growing, midsize & enterprise businesses. Our customised browser-based Software Solutions enable companies around the world to manage all key business operations in a single hosted system supported by reliable software & web apps built on DW Software Framework.
“ Once I found out about PA and also noticed the capabilities that it has (notify instantly by email, mobile device but also automatically restart the services that failed), well, there was no way we could invest time into building something in-house. ”
Managing Director & Founder
George: "My name is George Georgiou. I'm the Managing Director and Founder at DW."
George: "Dynamic Works was founded in 2003. We are the leading company in Cyprus for providing internet and mobile solutions."
George: "We have quite a few servers, either collocated or hosted in-house that we need to monitor. There were quite a few service failures (such as web-server, sql-server and also email-servers) and we wanted to immediately be notified about those, before our clients notify us."
George: "We monitor about 20 servers locally, and 5 remote servers."
George: "No, not really. Although, we had been thinking of setting up our own code for monitoring our servers. But again, once I found out about PA and also noticed the capabilities that it has (notify instantly by email, mobile device but also automatically restart the services that failed), well, there was no way we could invest time into building something like this. Besides, our culture in our organisation is "focus focus focus focus focus focus" in what we are doing and never get involved in other fields."
George: "As already said, when a server goes down for any reason, it automatically comes back and also notifies our system administrator to check it out before the clients have to find out. Since we"ve always got eyes on our servers, we have been able to troubleshoot and resolve all issues that cause all these failures. But we do need to keep our eyes open!"
George: "Customers are happy! Their web-based projects are online 99.9% uptime! So, PA has helped a lot in maintaining customer satisfaction in high levels."
George: "I don't have to check every now and then if our servers are online!"
George: "One single phrase that could be used as your slogan guys!--PA offers eyes for your servers!
George: "Yes, unless of course they are competitors! We can't reveal our secret to everybody, sorry :) Of course we would refer it because it could help everybody in the same way it has helped us!
“ We considered SolarWinds and SCOM. We chose PA Server Monitor for cost effectiveness and ease of use. ”