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Ultra vs Lite

Ultra and Lite are both powerful, but they are different.

Both Ultra and Lite can:


Monitor: File activities (reads, writes, creates, deletes, moves, renames)

Ultra ionicons-v5-e

Lite ionicons-v5-e

Alert: Real-time alerts via email, write to a log file, write to Event Log, play sound, call a URL, send Syslogs or SNMP Traps, etc.

Ultra ionicons-v5-e

Lite ionicons-v5-e

Information: Accessed file, user account, user IP address*, file operation, date and time

Ultra ionicons-v5-e

Lite ionicons-v5-e

* User IP address is available if the user is on Windows Vista or newer. Older versions of Windows did not support sending the IP address.

Only Ultra can:


Database: Write file, user account, user IP address, file operation, date and time to an embedded SQLite or Microsoft SQL Server database.

Ultra ionicons-v5-e


Reports: Generate reports over a period of time using the above database (Lite users would need to write to a text log file and then manually search the log file)

Ultra ionicons-v5-e


Supports Endpoints: Supports File Sight Endpoints, including file copy detection, application whitelisting and preventing access to cloud drives and/or USB/external drives.

Ultra ionicons-v5-e


Advanced Alerting: Alert on advanced usage patterns (like someone reading 15 files within 1 minute -- probably a file copy operation or a ransomware attack)

Ultra ionicons-v5-e


Central Management: Manage multiple PA File Sight installations from a single central console

Ultra ionicons-v5-e


Block External Drives: Has the Drive Sight monitor which can prevent external drives (USB, etc) from attaching to a server

Ultra ionicons-v5-e


For more detail about the differences, see the Feature Overview.

We passed [the audit]. And we were able to pass because of the work you did [on PA File Sight]. Thank you very much.

Brian F., RevTrak, Inc., USA ionicons-v5-b