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PA File Sight Ultra edition is the best solution for monitoring files and finding out who read from or writes to them. PA File Sight is also the best solution for tracking who deletes files and when it happens. Receive notifications about what action happens to a file, who performed the action, and what program they were using.
Plus, the Ultra edition adds powerful reporting for finding out what happened historically. View the reports via a web interface, or export them to a .CSV file for importing into Excel or other applications.
Finally, the Ultra edition has powerful user usage monitoring. You can find out if any users reads more than X files, or Y MB of data within a time frame that you specify.
To see how useful PA File Sight Ultra could be to you, download the free trial now! In literally less than 2 minutes it can be installed and configured for your server.
“In the last 10 years I have worked with many monitoring solutions like [list of well-known competitors], and I can say that your solution is the best.”
Marcel S., Nettrust it-Services AG, Switzerland