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PA File Sight Release Candidate

This page is where you can find our very latest release. Versions that make it to this page are considered solid and candidates for production release, but they haven't finished testing or received enough feedback yet. If we implement a feature or fix for you, we will typically send you to this page to try it out.

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Current Release

Version [25 March 2025] is currently in testing.

[.146] * Fix for Central and Satellites not sharing Endpoint lists
[.163] * Improved Endpoint robustness
[.165] * Satellites will not send down notifications if the hosting server is in a maintenance window
[.180] * Added the status tab to the Advanced Options of the Inventory Collector monitor
[.190] * Added support for undocumented configuration merge. Contact Support for help
[.207] * Changed from SMPP v3.3 to v3.4 which is more common
[.207] * SMPP action will try to use a persistent connection, and send one message at a time
[.207] * Upgraded to Chromium 109
[.207] * Syslog sender action can send using UTC (default) or local server time
[.232] * Fixed email maintenance reply command processing when email format is HTML
[.232] * Fixed a rare deadlock
[.238] * Chromium helper (Console.exe) processes shut down better
[.256] * Better Console operations for a user that doesn't have Windows admin rights on the local computer
[.259] * Added $Now(spec)$ replacement variable for usings parts of the date or time
[.270] * Added audit log for monitor templates being enabled and disabled
[.270] * File Sight will handle the Write TMP, Ren TMP > ORIG pattern that comes from Outlook saving attachments
[.270] * File Sight monitors can (registry setting) apply the Ignored Processes to the process returned from the Endpoint
[.280] * Minor report CSS improvement
[.280] * Updated to OpenSSL 3.0.15
[.280] * Deleting an item in the Console will ask for confirmation, with a checkbox to not ask again
[.280] * Fixed Dynamic Table reports that sometimes showed an empty first page
[.282] * Added Bulk Config "Computers: Copy Computer Custom Properties to Other Computers"
[.282] * File accessed by Endpoint can optionally be ignored by the Ignored Processes list
[.295] * Fixed a bug in a SQL Server error handler
[.299] * Added Support for {+/-}amount{d/w/m/y} for the $Now()$ replacement variable
[.299] * More protections from File Sight database writes blocking each other
[.326] * Visual Status Map handles the same light being on the map more than once
[.326] * Set Satellite Host can use the value DELETE to remove a setting
[.342] * Smaller MonitorStatusHistory table in busy installations
[.342] * Less CPU usage for large busy installations
[.351] * Don't let computers use not-yet-loaded icons in the Console
[.351] * Satellite reports will indicate status is the Last Status if not connected
[.351] * Fix for $mon.SendMail not working when run on a Satellite
[.352] * File & Directory Size monitor can alert separately on previously seen files vs target files not seen
[.352] * Load icons from custom folder AND the default folder
[.379] * User configurable (via registry) Execute Script editor font size, with larger default
[.412] * Monitors that were firing Alert Red were not firing actions
[.427] * More stringent user checks in Interpret Application Behaviors
[.432] * Fix for web interface reports list under View Existing Reports
[.445] * Fixed editing content of Executive Summary parts
[.456] * Logging failed login attempts that come through the web interface
[.463] * Giving the Helper more time to startup before timing out
[.463] * Renamed "System or Network" to "Network (or kernel)"
[.002] * New Console status dots - can be configured to go back to the colored borders
[.058] * Expression evaluation is more performant
[.058] * Fixed a recently introduced issue with rotated log files not getting deleted
[.058] * Template propagation is faster
[.058] * Fix for the report 12/24 hour setting not being honored everywhere
[.058] * More efficient log writing
[.059] * Fixed log file temporarily locking during in recursive situations
[.073] * Self-signed SSL certificates will automatically regenerate if about to expire
[.098] * Endpoints can set Agent_ID to VIRTUAL for VDI situations
[.100] * Status Overview report shows monitor status count details
[.100] * Better Endpoint support for VDI scenarios
[.102] * Fixed erroneous unneeded ODBC access attempt
[.105] * Fix for login failing with 2FA
[.115] * Saving monitor templates with no changes will not actually save, and thus not trigger a propagation
[.115] * Script editor works better with tabs
[.118] * PA File Sight driver updated to do less work when Trusted Applications feature not in use
[.124] * Fix for custom monitor Subjects not getting used when monitor is on a Satellite
[.126] * Faster Console navigation for large installations
[.141] * Made more dialog windows resizable
[.141] * Satellite configuration database will sync more often (to prevent Satellite Down alerts during fail over)
[.141] * Fixed some errors where somethings get stuck if the computer's clock is set into the future
[.163] * Find dialog (Ctrl+F) allows searching for objects by settings and properties
[.163] * Fix for reports that broke when some selected data sources didn't have any data
[.169] * Reduced memory usage by the File & Directory Change Monitor
[.204] * Group column report differentiate disabled from maintenance with icon
[.204] * Better support for parallel database queries
[.215] * Regression fix for some reports not showing up because they were missing a dataset title
[.219] * Email failing to send will list the email address in the global status message
[.225] * Fixed an issue where MS SQL Server-based reports could end up being truncated

Updates / Upgrades

PA File Sight can be upgraded by simply installing the latest version on top of your existing installation. Your settings and databases will be upgraded as needed.

You might need to reset the PA File Sight service's Run As account (from Settings or the Windows Services applet), but other than that no further configuration changes will be needed.

Phenomenal customer service that listens and understands real-world companies, fixes / updates extremely fast - truly an A+ company!!!

Alex Baskin / Jeff Seto, Alpert & Alpert Iron & Metal, Inc., USA ionicons-v5-b