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PA File Sight Ultra Subscription Plan - Enrollment

Sign up below to start your PA File Sight Ultra subscription. Your first charge, based on usage, will be in 30 days. You can cancel at any time.

Monthly per-monitored-device usage charges

Our billing system will find the lowest amount to charge, either by using your lowest server count in the month, or using a higher number if that gets you into a lower price bracket.

Credit card security measures

Required fields *

Account Information

First Name:


Last Name:





Login Information

Email: (This email address will be your account login)


Account Password: (Password requirements)


Re-type Password:


Security Question:

(If you forget your password, this question and answer can be used to retrieve it.)


Security Answer:


Next Step

Click Continue below to create your account and then enter your credit card information. The next page will let you save your credit card details directly with Authorize.Net (a Visa company). Your credit card information will only touch their servers and not ours.

After your credit card information is securely stored with Authorize.Net, you will receive an email with your new Subscription license file.

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[ PA Server Monitor's benefit is less] wasted labor in tracking what was unbillable - that now ADDS a LOT more BILLABLE time addressing issues we just could not get to before - making networks we manage much more stable and reliable. WE do a BETTER job for our clients and capture time we basically 'gave away' before.

Oly G., On-Site Computer Solutions, USA ionicons-v5-b