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You can sign up for a PA Server Monitor Ultra Subscription and quickly start monitoring.

This is an ideal solution for Managed Service Providers since the monthly cost is flexible, and there is no up front cost.

Subscription licenses are a pay-as-you-go license model. Instead of an upfront cost, you pay a monthly amount that varies depending on how many servers are monitored. Note: the server where the Subscription license is used must have Internet access to activiate the license and to communicate with our billing service daily.

A Subscription license can be installed at multiple sites and the total server count among all sites will be used to determine the monthly bill.

Subscription Advantages

  • This is NOT a hosted service. Unlike competing subscription services, you keep all of your sensitive passwords, configuration and data on your own hardware.
  • Get constant access to PA Server Monitor Ultra
  • Always get the very latest software releases (Support & Maintenance is built in)
  • No up-front cost (your first charge won't happen for 30 days), and you can cancel at any time
  • Pay monthly only for the amount of servers/devices that are monitored (only pay after you have new clients paying you)
  • Very fast to setup

Low Cost Monitoring

Pricing is on a per-monitored-device basis. Our billing system will find the lowest amount to charge, either by using your lowest server count in the month, or using a higher number if that gets you into a lower price bracket.

- Support & Maintenance included

- Monthly price per monitored server/device

# Servers/
Discount Each
1 - 9$6.00 USD
10 - 1940 %$3.60 USD
20 - 4952 %$2.88 USD
50 - 9965 %$2.10 USD
100 - 24978 %$1.32 USD
250 - 49988 %$0.72 USD
500 - 9999991 %$0.54 USD

Contact us

Your product is by far the best I have ever used in this field, and I hope we can continue to work together.

Riley D., L4U Library Software, Canada ionicons-v5-b