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Enable Gmail Access for Non-Google Applications

The steps below will show you how to change Google settings to allow access for non-Google applications. Allowing access to a Gmail account by a less secure application is one example.

Change Google Account Setting

1. Log in to Google Account settings.

2. In the left navigation panel, find and click on Security.
Enable Google Settings Nav
3. On the security page find the "Less secure app access" section towards the bottom of the page. Click on the "Turn on access" link.
Enable Google Less Secure
4. Select the Allow less secure apps button.
Enable Google Less Secure Button


We are also demo'ing a [PA File Sight competitor product]. Have had them 2 weeks now. In the 2 hours with your stuff, setup and config has been MUCH simpler. And the ability to edit what we want reported on is far easier.

David H, DCH, USA ionicons-v5-b