Moss - Keep Calm and Call - IT Crowd Tshirt

Top 10 Computer Geek T-Shirts

Ok, we’re not holding back on this one.

This blog post will not help you understand what the top priorities for IT in 2015 are. It will not be considering the future of data centers, how to use Amazon Web Services, or the cost of downtime.

We will not be celebrating the world’s top women in tech in this post, or discussing the top 3 password managers.

My goodness, we’re not even going to walk you through troubleshooting network and computer performance problems.

No, this post is far more important than the whole of our blog put together. This blog post is all about fashion.

And not just any old fashion. Proper fashion. The real shizzle. That’s right, we’re talking computer geek t-shirt fashion. Yeah. You know the stuff. Those witty, self-effacing/reassuring-that-we-really-are-cleverer-than-the-rest-of-you t-shirts that no self-respecting computer nerd will ever be seen in public without.

As we all know, there are some fails, and there are some winners – and in this post we’re bringing you the winners. Are you ready?

Let’s go!!

1. Evolution of Computer Addicts

This understated little number can be ordered (online, of course) from Available in men’s and women’s, you can even use the site’s nifty little geek tool to customize the colors, too. Sweeeeeeet.

Computer Addicts Evolution

2. *you’re. Grammar Nazi T-shirt

Who says that just because your a computer geek doesn’t meen you can’t b a grammar Nazi, two. Pick this little baby up at

youre Grammar Nazi T-shirt

3. Engineer’s Motto

No, I can’t, girlfriend. Wear this t-shirt and you will be surprised how often comprehension of the latter clause will negate the need for the wearer to perform the former. Everybody wins.

Engineers Motto


Are you on the front line for tech support? Yeah, you are. They don’t know what it’s like out here, man. You’re a hero. You deserve a medal. Or, better yet, a t-shirt. This t-shirt.

IT JOE Tshirt

5. Byte Me Like It’s 1984

As we all know, computer geeks have a way with the opposite sex. And this t-shirt proves it. Oh, yeah.

Byte Me Like Its 1984 Tshirt

6. Nerd? I Prefer Intellectual Badass

It’s so hard being misunderstood. So let’s set things straight shall we?

Nerd - I Prefer Intellectual Badass Tshirt

7. The Computer User’s Lord’s Prayer

God is a tech geek. We knew that the second we were blessed with Tetris on the Game Boy. He makes up the holy trinity of the hardware, the software and the superfast fiber optic internet right up there in the cloud. So, let us pray…

The Computer User's Lords Prayer Tshirt

8. Sarcasm Loading

And the irony is that computer geeks hate sarcasm. I mean, duh.

Sarcasm Loading Tshirt

9. The IT Crowd

This t-shirt makes reference to the hit UK sitcom The IT Crowd. If you’ve never seen it and you don’t get the reference, then you’re not a real geek, my friend. And that’s a fact. Get outta here!! Go on, cool beans. Shoo!! Shoo!!

Moss - Keep Calm and Call - IT Crowd Tshirt

10. If You Can’t Read This, Then It’s Not For You

If You Cant Read This Then Its Not For You Tshirt

So there we have it tech lords, our top 10 best geeky t-shirts. Did yours make the list? If not, why not leave a link in the comments section below. See you next week!!

John Waldron is a writer with markITwrite who regularly writes on lifestyle and technology. He has a First-Class Honours Degree in English with Creative Writing and an MA in Professional Writing from University College Falmouth, Cornwall.



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