Tag: hacking

  • Top 7 Websites to Learn Coding for Free

    Top 7 Websites to Learn Coding for Free

    Even if you’re not a fully dedicated developer, custom scripts and code snippets often come in handy for administrative and maintenance tasks. Coding in various languages is part of the background of many system administrators. But for those unfamiliar with programming code—or those wishing to use unfamiliar languages for specific tasks or dependencies—we’ve assembled a […]

  • Best Security Practices for Enterprise IoT

    Best Security Practices for Enterprise IoT

    By Des Nnochiri   Internet of Things (IoT) security ranks as a major concern for many enterprises. A 2018 survey of over 600 IT decision-makers worldwide conducted by 451 Research found that 55% of those polled rated IoT security as their top priority. It’s easy to see why. As well as any “smart, connected” devices […]

  • Cyber Security in the Movies – Is It Realistic?

    Cyber Security in the Movies – Is It Realistic?

    By Des Nnochiri   Hacking in the movies looks so cool. Someone with a keyboard and five screens frantically types in some code, and a few seconds later: “I’m in.” That’s it– they now have all the information they need to access nuclear missile codes, blackmail a billionaire, or completely shut down a building’s security […]

  • The Sound of Silence: Threats from Without and Threats from Within

    The Sound of Silence: Threats from Without and Threats from Within

    By Des Nnochiri   Recent news has broken about a group of hackers which appears to be operating out of Russia. The group, dubbed “Silence,” is believed to be involved in the theft of over $800,000 from multiple Russian and Eastern European financial institutions.   However, what is particularly notable about this group is they […]

  • Russian Hackers and the DNC – Email Security Matters

    Russian Hackers and the DNC – Email Security Matters

    Robert S. Mueller, Special Counsel for the US Department of Justice, has just released his findings about the Russian Hacking of the Democratic National Convention in 2016.  It’s a very interesting read containing information on how the hacks took place (spearfishing, spoofed emails, spoofed websites, bitcoin mining to obscure payments, etc).   If any corporate […]