Tag: data

  • 7 Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

    7 Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

    Protecting your data, and that of your clients, should be central to all of your business practices. Customers entrust companies with often very sensitive data, and it should be used and stored safely. Cyber security should be a priority in companies of any size, but when you’re a small business without a big security budget, […]

  • What’s Next for Cloud Computing?

    What’s Next for Cloud Computing?

    By Des Nnochiri Over the last decade, cloud computing has revolutionized the way we handle and store data, which has, in turn, paved the way for greater innovations in technology. What can we expect from cloud computing as the technology advances? IBM’s Purchase of Red Hat On Sunday, October 28, 2018, tech giant IBM announced […]

  • Your Clear, Comprehensive Guide to VPNs

    Your Clear, Comprehensive Guide to VPNs

    By Des Nnochiri   VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, but what does it mean?   A physical network allows different machines to be connected to one another in the same room, building, etc. A virtual network allows you to create the same experience.   But instead of using reams of cables, it utilizes the […]

  • Here’s How to Stop Google from Tracking Your Phone – For Real This Time

    Here’s How to Stop Google from Tracking Your Phone – For Real This Time

    By Des Nnochiri   We all know Google wants to be in all our business. Whether we’re shopping, streaming, searching, or taking a stroll, Google is gathering vast amounts of data on us through our ubiquitous smartphones and other connected devices.   However, up until recently, you may have thought that if you disabled your […]

  • GDPR Compliance Auditing Tips

    GDPR Compliance Auditing Tips

    By Des Nnochiri    Now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), drawn up by the European Union (EU), has finally come into effect, many of the affected organizations have been scrambling to keep up with the auditing and operational requirements of a compliance regime that’s widely recognized as one of the most stringent and […]

  • Are You Up to Speed on the Big Star Labs Security Threat?

    Are You Up to Speed on the Big Star Labs Security Threat?

    By Des Nnochiri   The way apps and extensions can gather data on people has been drawn into sharp focus recently. While many people accept sacrificing a certain amount of privacy as the cost of a free-at-point-of-use internet, some companies clearly have been willing to cross the line into intrusion and manipulation.    The first […]

  • Operation Data – The 18 Key Principles of DataOps

    Operation Data – The 18 Key Principles of DataOps

    by Des Nnochiri   The term DataOps was coined back in 2015 but only really became a significant force in professional circles during the latter part of 2017. But what is this latest tour de force in software development methodology?   Over the last decade, cloud technology has been well and truly embraced by organizations as […]

  • The Power of the Dark Side – Challenge and Opportunity Presented by Dark Data

    The Power of the Dark Side – Challenge and Opportunity Presented by Dark Data

    By Des Nnochiri   The concept of dark data is only just starting to gain prominence in IT circles. However, there is still a lot of confusion as to just what the term refers to, and the nature of the challenges and opportunities presented by the phenomenon. Dark Data? Dark Data refers to any digital […]

  • Does Edge Computing Have the Edge?

    Does Edge Computing Have the Edge?

    by Des Nnochiri   The use of mobile devices as endpoints for corporate and public networks continues as a prevailing trend, putting an emphasis on the need for readily available internet connections and data-processing capabilities.   Together with the growth and evolution of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), with its consumer and industry/infrastructure-level ecosystem […]

  • DBaaS Pros & Cons

    DBaaS Pros & Cons

    by Des Nnochiri   DBaaS or Database as a service is yet another of the cloud-hosted offerings gaining traction in the enterprise IT market. It’s especially popular with businesses that lack the financial clout, IT expertise, spatial resources, or infrastructure to host and manage their own data center.   But as with all cloud-packaged service […]