• How to Monitor IIS

    How to Monitor IIS

    This will be the first in a series of three blog posts on monitoring. In this article we’ll discuss monitoring Internet Information Services (IIS), the web hosting platform available in Windows Server editions. IIS is very popular in part because it provides such a compact service with lots of features and configurations. Most enterprises that […]

  • PA Server Monitor: Download to Monitoring in Under 8 Minutes!

    PA Server Monitor: Download to Monitoring in Under 8 Minutes!

    Check out our quick tutorial on how to download, install, configure, and get alerts and reports from PA Server Monitor™ software. If you haven’t downloaded our 30 day free trial yet, just grab a copy of PA Server Monitor, and follow along with the video below to get it set up quickly. It’s a full […]

  • Why Is Network Security Important?

    Why Is Network Security Important?

    As the internet evolves and computer networks become bigger and bigger, network security has become one of the most important factors for companies to consider. Big enterprises like Microsoft are designing and building software products that need to be protected against foreign attacks. By increasing network security, you decrease the chance of privacy spoofing, identity […]

  • Perfect Forward Security and SSL Encryption

    Perfect Forward Security and SSL Encryption

    Michael Horowitz wrote a great article at Computer World entitled Perfect Forward Secrecy can block the NSA from secure web pages, but no one uses it. The tl;dr – encrypted HTTPS communications can be saved by Big Brother, and if the private key is broken at some time in the future, the saved communications can […]

  • Coolest Photo of PA Server Monitor in Action…

    Coolest Photo of PA Server Monitor in Action…

    Ever wonder how others might be using PA Server Monitor? We sure do! And it was very kind of one of our customers to share a picuture of our software in action. We won’t say who it was, but we can say it’s a Network Operations Center in Brazil for a high-profile, world-wide soccer organization. […]

  • What is IPv6 and an IPv6 Address?

    What is IPv6 and an IPv6 Address?

    You are probably aware that today’s communications rely very heavily on the Internet Protocol. An IP address is a unique identifier for each machine connected to the Internet. With the ever growing size of the Internet, the demand for IP addresses increased drastically. Today’s IPv4 supports 2 to the power of 32 addresses […]

  • The NSA Spying Fiasco and Your Network

    The NSA Spying Fiasco and Your Network

    The NSA and their PRISM program got a black eye this week, and rightly so.  America is supposed to be the land of the free.  We’re supposed to speak out against surveillance states, not become one.  It’s a disappointing day. Made in the U.S.A. To make things worse, “Made in America” could become a liability […]

  • What Are the Differences Between Routers and Switches?

    What Are the Differences Between Routers and Switches?

    In this article I will talk about the differences between two of the most common networking devices, routers and switches. You may already be somewhat familiar with these devices, even if you are not working in an IT department. Home internet connections became so common these days that we are practically addicted to them without […]

  • Dell PowerEdge 2950 Server: Quieting the Loud Fans!

    Dell PowerEdge 2950 Server: Quieting the Loud Fans!

    Recently we purchased a Dell 2950 III with a DRAC card to investigate adding IPMI support to PA Server Monitor.  So far it’s great, but what wasn’t so great was the noise. One blog writes that it sounded like a fleet of jets all taking off at once from an aircraft carrier.  I thought it […]

  • How to Partition a Windows Hard Drive

    How to Partition a Windows Hard Drive

    Chances are, if you work with enough computers and workstations, sooner or later you are going to find a need to partition a disk drive. In this article we will discuss the elements to consider when partitioning your Windows OS (Operating System). We will talk about different partitioning technologies, tools used to interact with your […]

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