• Modern Cooling Strategies For Data Centers

    Modern Cooling Strategies For Data Centers

    With cooling requirements accounting for some 40% of the power consumed by an average data center, optimizing the strategies and technologies used for temperature control makes sound economic and operational sense. But many data centers still rely on outdated methodologies and management techniques, for environmental control.   The materials, technology, and strategies for data center […]

  • Best Ways to Track IT Inventory

    Best Ways to Track IT Inventory

    Why do I need an inventory? Whether your operation is big or small, it’s likely that you own a significant amount of IT related kit, but when it comes to considering what assets you actually own, it can be easy to overlook just how many items form your IT inventory. It’s not just about PC’s, […]

  • Best Tips for Managing an MS SQL Server

    Best Tips for Managing an MS SQL Server

    With compatibility issues arising between various versions of the platform, and the emergence and evolution of new features and tools, managing a Microsoft (MS) SQL Server and its associated database functions may sometimes feel like playing a game of “Catch Up.”   We’ve assembled some outline tips and best practices, to assist you. Full details […]

  • Explaining DevOps in Simple terms

    Explaining DevOps in Simple terms

    What is DevOps? It may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. In simple terms, and as the name suggests, DevOps is the process of integrating development and operations. Aiming to bring together development and operations teams under a common umbrella, a solid DevOps strategy is believed to foster good communication, encourage collaboration, and increase cohesion […]

  • What we’ve learned about Windows 10

    What we’ve learned about Windows 10

    Windows 10 has been around for awhile now – almost two years to the day to be precise – and so has received a number of updates and upgrades aimed at improving the user experience. After the debacle that was Windows 8 (if you somehow missed it – it was hated by many users, with […]

  • Challenges facing DevOps teams in 2017

    Challenges facing DevOps teams in 2017

    DevOps has gone through a huge upsurge in complexity and effectiveness over the last few years, and it is now the way to integrate the various teams within your organisation to streamline operations, facilitate effective partnership working and reduce turnaround time for the development of new processes and systems. Quite simply, if you’re not currently […]

  • Keeping Your Account Safe From Hackers

    Keeping Your Account Safe From Hackers

    Internet use, cloud and remote working, along with e-Commerce, are still booming – and any type of online presence is an excellent way to increase your organisation’s operational effectiveness, visibility and scope, boost sales, grow your client base and enhance your reputation. The internet has offered us the possibility to work wherever we choose, keeping […]

  • Mobile and DevOps

    Mobile and DevOps

    We live and work in an increasingly mobile world. Once upon a time, to integrate our work and home lives, we would have carried a diary, files of information, pens, paper, notebooks, perhaps a calculator. Nowadays, everything we need to work efficiently on the move is available at the touch of a button on our […]

  • The Internet of Things and Cyber Security

    The Internet of Things and Cyber Security

    What actually is ‘The Internet of Things’? The internet of things is defined as ‘the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.’ Put simply, this describes the way in which many of us use the internet with a variety of devices every day. For […]

  • Implementing DevOps for Cyber Security

    Implementing DevOps for Cyber Security

    What is DevOps? DevOps can be defined as the “integration of development, IT operations, security, and quality assurance under one umbrella”. It is a cross-departmental strategy to revolutionise software development to maximise efficiency and increase productivity. DevOps endeavours to achieve this by utilising working practices which create a continuous cycle of communication between the various […]

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