Wearable technology is moving away from the fringe, perhaps even from the ‘geeks’ and is now enjoying a more generalized reception. Google Glass is the tech giant’s offering and there are more and more people opting to wear the augmented reality eye wear.
However with this new technology becoming more commonplace it becomes necessary to devise rules and social conventions. This ensures that this new technology will become integrated and wearers are less likely to become ostracized.
However Google Glass hasn’t been received very well by non-wearers. The company is aware of this and it has put restrictions on what apps and purposes the glasses are allowed to perform. Currently users won’t be able to use facial recognition apps and any other features that could make people uncomfortable.
Then there are the early adopters of Glass and those folks can be quite evangelical. This does present another set of problems for Google and those users with their zealous love of the product could do more harm to Google’s image than good.
Google however has attempted to head these problems off at the pass and it has now published an etiquette guide to keep Glass wearers on track. Effectively the guide is a simple do and do not do list – you can read it here.
Don’t be creepy or rude
This is perhaps Google’s funniest and most memorable ‘law.’ It seems simple enough too, but for many Glass wearers the mere fact that they’re wearing the device could upset others. There’s not much to be done about this. However Google Glass wearers don’t need to be quite so excited or talkative when it comes to their shiny new eye wear.
Consider Google’s list and keep those rules in mind – they’re there for a reason. Of course Google has a vested interest in its fledgling technology being accepted but so do you, the wearer. Be nice and remember that as soon as you put those glasses on you become part of a lucky (and wealthy) minority. Glass separates you from everyone else so try and bridge that gap.
Here are some specific thoughts to help you avoid being a “Glasshole.”
Remember that you’re on camera
This is pretty straightforward. If you’re ever in doubt regarding your character or the way that you interact with others just watch back some of the footage captured on your Glasses. If it makes you flinch or feel bad then you probably need to reassess the way that you interact with other people.
In a sense though the knowledge that you’re on camera might make you behave better. You know that someone’s watching you and that you have the possibility of reviewing content at a later date. But don’t record everything. You don’t want to find yourself watching what is effectively a blooper reel of your life – bad pick up lines included.
Don’t wear Glass in a cinema
It seems strange that anyone would but of course people still check their smartphones whilst sitting in a movie theater. Just because others do it though, it doesn’t mean you have to or should. Google Glass isn’t for the cinema, there’s already plenty of stimuli for you.
Turn off Glass and enjoy the film. Remember that filming in a movie theater is illegal so you don’t want to be accused of piracy like this guy from Columbus, Ohio.
Don’t wear Glass in the wrong neighborhood
The rich and the poor is an age-old dichotomy but people don’t like to be reminded that it still exists. Be considerate when you’re walking around wearing Glass. No one likes a show off, especially one with $1,500 on their face.
This is also advice to keep you and your shiny new product safe. Perhaps a good thing to note at this point is the fact that Google never released Glass to the general public until recently. Still, most people only ever see Glass from afar or when a random person (likely an advocate) is wearing them out in public.
Google dubs these advocates “Explorers” but other folks may have a different word in mind. The point is, Glass marks you out as different and lucky so respect your surroundings. Not everywhere allows this technology or wants it within its premises so be considerate.
Google Glass was released with limited sales in the US a few months ago. Unfortunately the technology is sold out making those early Glass adopters separate and elitist. This is through no fault of their own but in a marketplace that likes to separate those who have from those who have not, Glass is a very visual symbol of that dichotomy.
If you’re wearing Glass then you’re most certainly one of the people who has. Don’t flaunt this. Instead keep it quiet, be humble, and above all don’t be rude and disregard others privacy.
Photo Credit: matthewcoughlin via Compfight
cc, Photo Credit: fauxto_digit
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, Photo Credit: Caza_No_7
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