Category: Windows

  • The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The internet is an increasingly important part of our daily lives. When it was first evolving, security was less of a concern. With the growth of cyberspace have come new opportunities – and new threats to match. Today’s cybercriminals are highly motivated professionals, often well-funded by criminal organizations or nation-states. At a lower level are […]

  • Shortage Of Cyber Security Professionals

    Shortage Of Cyber Security Professionals

    In October this year, at a Digital Skills Committee meeting that was hosted in the House of Lords in the UK, it was revealed that by 2017 there will be a global shortage of 2 million cyber security professionals. Why is this? Well, everything these days has an “internet layer”, as Stephanie Daman, CEO of […]

  • 5 Ways to Recycle Your Smartphone

    5 Ways to Recycle Your Smartphone

    The digital age brings with it many benefits. We now all have smartphones, dedicated personal computers that fit in our pockets. We’re the “always on, always connected” generation and we have access to vast quantities of data right at our fingertips. However, with every new innovation and technological addition there are the inevitable pros and […]

  • Is Antivirus Software Becoming Obsolete?

    Is Antivirus Software Becoming Obsolete?

    Viruses, trojans, worms – malware (a contraction of ‘malicious software’) come in many forms. Even though these threats have been around for decades, the volume has increased steadily in line with overall internet usage. What’s more, just as the sophistication and capabilities of technology has improved over the years, so too has the proficiency of […]

  • BYOD Security Threats and How to Solve Them

    BYOD Security Threats and How to Solve Them

    Bring your own device, or BYOD, is becoming an increasing trend within large and small businesses alike. Allowing employees to use their own devices has its benefits. It has been seen to increase productivity immensely by allowing employees to work from home and the freedom to work during commuting and outside the office has gone […]

  • Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server

    Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server

    Services and applications that are affected by high load require technologies to address this issue. Network Load Balancing is a technology that allows system administrators to configure clusters that distribute traffic between several servers. Suppose you have a website that receives a large number of requests and cannot be handled by one server. In this […]

  • How Useable are Word and Excel for iPad?

    How Useable are Word and Excel for iPad?

    Microsoft’s Office for iPad was a long time coming, and indeed the delay has allowed plenty of alternatives to get their foot in the market door, some of which are now thriving and are fully integrated into some larger organizations’ mobile and cloud service strategies. The debate surrounding how useable Office for iPad would end […]

  • Deploying Active Directory Certificate Services and Online Responder

    Deploying Active Directory Certificate Services and Online Responder

    Certificate Services has become one of the core components of any Active Directory infrastructure. A certification authority (CA) issues digital certificates to testify the authenticity of applications, users and computers. Digital certificates can be issued, revoked and renewed based on the necessities of the company. When deciding to deploy AD CS within your organization, you […]

  • Configure Network Address Protection w/ DHCP Enforcement

    Configure Network Address Protection w/ DHCP Enforcement

    In this article I will show you how to install and configure NAP with Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) enforcement. You may already be familiar with DHCP which is a service used to allocate network parameters automatically and offers a centralized way to manage your network devices. NAP is a security mechanism offered by the […]

  • How to Configure DFSR Replication

    How to Configure DFSR Replication

    We’ve talked in a previous article about DFS namespace and we’ve seen how to install and configure this feature on two Windows Server 2012 machines. Now that we’ve configured our DFS namespace it’s time to enable DFS Replication and allow file transfer between servers. Note that by now you should have two Windows Server 2012 […]