Category: Windows

  • How to deploy a new VM on Hyper-V

    How to deploy a new VM on Hyper-V

    Now that we’ve seen how to install and configure Hyper-V Server role on our Windows Server 2012 machine, it’s time to deploy a new Virtual Machine using our virtualization product. Note that by now you should have a Windows Server 2012 running Hyper-V. If you haven’t read the last article please read it here before […]

  • Microsoft Office – Open Source Alternatives

    Microsoft Office – Open Source Alternatives

    There’s very little that a business can do without some sort of word processing program. Everyone knows (and probably uses) Microsoft’s offering, but the Office Suite can be fairly expensive. There are a number of alternatives and many of them don’t come with any sort of price tag. The open source revolution has removed some […]

  • Implementing a SDN

    Implementing a SDN

    Software defined networking (SDN) is a business practice that can be difficult to understand. In fact many businesses may not even fully know the best practices and the best way to implement this emerging network option. The way forward then is for a business to research and get to grips with SDN concepts before considering […]

  • Deploying Terminal Services

    Deploying Terminal Services

    In this article we will discuss Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services available with newer versions of Windows Server. I will describe the main components that make up this technology and we will then install and configure this feature. A Terminal Server is a machine which offers RDP clients a way to connect and access […]

  • Do You Need to Tighten Up Your Business Security?

    Do You Need to Tighten Up Your Business Security?

    The online world is one that has its dangers, so it’s a good idea to consider your business and its security on the internet. For every contemporary business the ability to safely email, work remotely, and run its website is crucial to its day-to-day workings. The rules to keeping your business safe are often just […]

  • GPMC & Group Policy Store in Server 2008

    GPMC & Group Policy Store in Server 2008

    In this article I will show you how to install Group Policy Management Console and Create a Central Store for storing Group Policy Files. GPMC was first introduced in Windows Server 2003 and it hasn’t changed much with Windows Server 2008. If you are running Active Directory within your organization, it’s most likely that you […]

  • Does MS Office have a Future on Tablets?

    Does MS Office have a Future on Tablets?

    Tech giant Microsoft’s ‘Surface’ line of tablets have been off to a bumpy start to say the least. The tablet has faced heavy criticism; that it’s expensive and non-intuitive, not to mention the widespread dislike of Windows 8.1. Considering the way the business sphere is beginning to lean towards BYOD environments, cloud computing and remote […]

  • BitLocker and Windows Server 2008

    BitLocker and Windows Server 2008

    When planning a BitLocker deployment in your Windows Infrastructure, you’ll need to take into consideration many factors that can/will influence your network. This technology was first released with Windows Vista and introduced two important security features: encryption of hard drives and integrity check for data. This means that if a device was stolen, no data […]

  • Choosing the Right Antivirus Software

    Choosing the Right Antivirus Software

    While the internet is, at this point, a very polished entity, it’s not as safe and secure as it seems. Even the most tech-savvy user will likely take on some kind of malware or spyware at some point in their surfing career. Malware and spyware can wreak havoc, either slowing computers to a crawl or […]

  • Top 7 Apps for Windows 8.1

    Top 7 Apps for Windows 8.1

    However you feel about Windows 8.1 (opinions are very divided) it’s still an operating system that many people use. There’s a whole new layout for users to play around with, and there’s the app store too, ensuring that you’ve always got something to occupy your time. However, it’s not always so easy to find a […]