Category: Technical

  • Configuring NIC Teaming

    Configuring NIC Teaming

    In this article we will learn about a new feature that was introduced in Windows Server 2012, NIC teaming. This technology allows a server to group multiple network interfaces (NIC) into a so called team. To achieve similar results with older Windows Server Editions, you would had to buy a dedicated third party equipment that […]

  • How Has Technology Improved Through The Years?

    How Has Technology Improved Through The Years?

    Remember Betamax? For a brief few seconds, back in the 1980s, this radical tech displaced VHS as the format of choice for videotapes. “Umm… videotapes? VHS?” I hear you ask. Exactly. Time marches on, and technology marches with it. Old techniques and equipment become obsolete – especially in the digital arena. Let’s take a look […]

  • IT Services, and Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

    IT Services, and Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

    In-house tools can make you more efficient at monitoring, patching, providing remote support, and service delivery. But you also need to ensure regular scheduled maintenance of every client system. That’s where a Managed Service Provider (MSP) comes in. What’s a Managed Service Provider (MSP)? A managed service provider (MSP) caters to enterprises, residences, or other […]

  • Top Tech Trends to Watch in 2015

    Top Tech Trends to Watch in 2015

    Certain technologies which have generated a buzz in recent years are expected to continue influencing our lives. Here are some of the anticipated developments or trends expected to shape the technology world in 2015: Big Data Predictive Analytics Big Data analysis is already being used to learn how to better sell products and services to […]

  • How To Use Amazon Web Services

    How To Use Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) have been around for nearly 10 years now. It all began in 2006 when they started offering IT infrastructure services to businesses – what is now more commonly known as cloud computing. Of course, cloud computing has literally soared far and away in popularity and usage over the past few years […]

  • Installing Microsoft Share Point 2013 Standalone Server

    Installing Microsoft Share Point 2013 Standalone Server

    Introduction SharePoint is a business productivity platform that puts emphasis on collaboration, information sharing and management. It gives users in a work place the ability to communicate and share information effectively and has been gaining in popularity. In this tutorial we are going to go through the initial steps that are necessary in order to […]

  • Troubleshooting Network & Computer Performance Problems

    Troubleshooting Network & Computer Performance Problems

    Problem solving is an inevitable part of any IT technician’s job. From time to time you will encounter a computer or network problem that will, simply put, just leave you stumped. When this happens it can be an extremely nerve-wracking experience, and your first instinct might be to panic. Don’t do this. You need to […]

  • The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The internet is an increasingly important part of our daily lives. When it was first evolving, security was less of a concern. With the growth of cyberspace have come new opportunities – and new threats to match. Today’s cybercriminals are highly motivated professionals, often well-funded by criminal organizations or nation-states. At a lower level are […]

  • Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server

    Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server

    Services and applications that are affected by high load require technologies to address this issue. Network Load Balancing is a technology that allows system administrators to configure clusters that distribute traffic between several servers. Suppose you have a website that receives a large number of requests and cannot be handled by one server. In this […]

  • Deploying Active Directory Certificate Services and Online Responder

    Deploying Active Directory Certificate Services and Online Responder

    Certificate Services has become one of the core components of any Active Directory infrastructure. A certification authority (CA) issues digital certificates to testify the authenticity of applications, users and computers. Digital certificates can be issued, revoked and renewed based on the necessities of the company. When deciding to deploy AD CS within your organization, you […]