Category: Technical

  • How Secure is Dropbox?

    How Secure is Dropbox?

    More and more companies are looking to harness the cloud as a part of their business. For many this starts out with centralizing all files on a cloud based service. Of all these services, Dropbox is the most widely known, but is it suitable for use within your business? The most important thing to consider […]

  • BitLocker and Windows Server 2008

    BitLocker and Windows Server 2008

    When planning a BitLocker deployment in your Windows Infrastructure, you’ll need to take into consideration many factors that can/will influence your network. This technology was first released with Windows Vista and introduced two important security features: encryption of hard drives and integrity check for data. This means that if a device was stolen, no data […]

  • Understanding a DDoS Attack

    Understanding a DDoS Attack

    New research released this month has shown that DDoS attacks are on the rise in the UK and USA. DDoS attacks, otherwise known as Distributed Denial of Service attacks, are when someone or something tries to make an online service unavailable by bombarding it with huge streams of traffic from different sources. They can target […]

  • Server Monitoring Best Practices

    Server Monitoring Best Practices

    We often get asked about suggested practices for monitoring servers and it’s a legitimate request – there are so many moving parts it’s hard to know where to start. There are two things you want your monitoring to do for you: Watch systems 24×7 and alert you if there is a problem Show you current […]

  • Cloud Computing Demystified: Is Cloud Hosting Right For Your Server?

    Cloud Computing Demystified: Is Cloud Hosting Right For Your Server?

    If you’re at all familiar with the current trends of the online realm, then I’m sure you’ve heard of cloud computing. Today we examine this technology. We also examine whether or not cloud computing is the best solution for corporate servers. What is cloud computing? The simplest way to define cloud computing is to think […]

  • DDoS Protection – The Case for Businesses

    DDoS Protection – The Case for Businesses

    As DDoS attacks continue to rise, Power Admin takes a look at the stats and what can be done to help prevent such attacks damaging your business in 2014 “DDoS attacks should be a top security concern for organizations in the public and private sector in 2014” “Expect future campaigns to be even more extensive […]

  • Add 1st Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller to Existing Network

    Add 1st Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller to Existing Network

    In this article I want to show you how to install and configure Domain Controller running the latest Windows Server 2012 OS. Note that for the following demonstration I will be using a Virtual Machine and my test environment works at the Windows Server 2008 R2 functional level. Once you’ve started the VM and configure […]

  • Making Windows 8.1 Work for your Business

    Making Windows 8.1 Work for your Business

    Many new users on the Windows 8 operating software have complained about the new interface. It has simply irritated some users and made others feel that there’s a decrease in productivity when the OS is used. For those wondering, there are a number of tips to make the OS more productive and some visual changes […]

  • Does Windows Defender offer enough protection?

    Does Windows Defender offer enough protection?

    All Windows 8 computers now ship with Windows Defender installed. Based on Microsoft Security Essentials, it offers your devices basic protection across the board from malware, spyware and viruses. But it’s important to consider whether Defender alone will be enough to protect your computers from attack. It’s easy to be complacent about web security, but […]

  • Everything You Need to Know About PCI DSS Compliance

    Everything You Need to Know About PCI DSS Compliance

    Data protection for businesses in the modern, connected world is now more important than ever. It’s not always easy to protect data and all too easy to fall into the traps set by hackers and malware authors, especially when it comes to staff, who often inadvertently click on phishing links. For those companies that accept […]