Category: Tech

  • What is People-Centric IT?

    What is People-Centric IT?

    Microsoft’s new CEO, Satya Nadella, has suggested a new concept that he dubs “people-centric IT.” You may have heard of it already. In fact it’s generating a lot of discussion, but not everyone is clear on what it is, or even how long it’s been around. Nadella suggests that it’s an environment where “the end […]

  • Windows 8 Review-Top 5 Reasons it’s Better

    Windows 8 Review-Top 5 Reasons it’s Better

    We’ve had several articles here on Network Wrangler pointing out the shortcomings and annoyances of the latest Windows OS. So, to be fair, we had Andrew Buckmaster give us his perspective on some of the things that he loves about Windows 8. And he makes some very valid arguments. Read on below for his review, […]

  • Top Technology Trends of 2014, Pt. 2

    …continued from Top Technology Trends for 2014 (trends 1-4) #5: The end of Windows XP With support for windows XP expiring after 8 April, it could be interesting to see how many companies, who still revere and use the product, will be left unprepared for its demise, and may therefore be taken by surprise and […]

  • 8 Technology Trends for 2014

    8 Technology Trends for 2014

    With the New Year already underway, there’s a lot of speculation around as to what the most popular trends are going to be in the technology community. So here are 7 tips as to what we might expect to see. For a change, we thought we’d throw in a little more consumer than usual … […]

  • Infographic – Is Your Password Keeping You Safe?

    Infographic – Is Your Password Keeping You Safe?

    Important possessions are often protected with a lock, chains, and welded metal. But many people protect some of their most valuable belongings with only one word. A password. How important is a password? What kinds of things do they protect? History has some interesting cases of passwords, especially considering why they were invented in the […]

  • What the Slump in Server Sales means to the Industry

    What the Slump in Server Sales means to the Industry

    According to a recent press release issued by IDC (International Data Corporation), the American IT market research specialist, global factory output of servers fell for the 3rd quarter of 2013 to $12.1 billion. This represents a 3.7% downturn when compared to the same period 12 months ago. It is the 3rd consecutive quarter that output […]

  • Is your Network Being Monitored by the NSA?

    Is your Network Being Monitored by the NSA?

    This year has proved to be something of an embarrassment for the US and UK governments, both having been caught red-handing spying on their own, and other country’s, citizens by whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Of course, it’s not the government themselves so to speak, but the agencies the US National Security Association (NSA) and UK Government […]

  • Why Choose a Data Center to Host your Servers? Part 2

    Code Project Cont’d from Why Choose a Data Center to Host your Servers? Quality of Service Companies do not often upgrade their server hardware and this means that most businesses are seldom running the latest equipment, or utilizing cutting edge technology. DCs must use current, quality hardware in order to stay competitive. So a virtual […]

  • Why Choose a Data Center to Host your Servers?

    Why Choose a Data Center to Host your Servers?

    More businesses than ever before are now deciding to use Data Centers (DCs) to host their servers. Servers are crucial pieces of equipment. They are the heart of any business’s computer network, often loaded with unique, custom software and programs, and holding sensitive and critical data that a business needs in order to operate. So […]

  • How Monitoring Software can Help to Protect Against CryptoLocker

    How Monitoring Software can Help to Protect Against CryptoLocker

    If you spend a lot of time online, are pretty tech savvy or are in the technology sector, then there’s little doubt that you’ve come across the term ransomware here and there. In a nutshell, ransomware is a type of malware that infects a computer and effectively puts up a lock screen that holds the […]