Category: Tech

  • Does MS Office have a Future on Tablets?

    Does MS Office have a Future on Tablets?

    Tech giant Microsoft’s ‘Surface’ line of tablets have been off to a bumpy start to say the least. The tablet has faced heavy criticism; that it’s expensive and non-intuitive, not to mention the widespread dislike of Windows 8.1. Considering the way the business sphere is beginning to lean towards BYOD environments, cloud computing and remote […]

  • Choosing the Right Antivirus Software

    Choosing the Right Antivirus Software

    While the internet is, at this point, a very polished entity, it’s not as safe and secure as it seems. Even the most tech-savvy user will likely take on some kind of malware or spyware at some point in their surfing career. Malware and spyware can wreak havoc, either slowing computers to a crawl or […]

  • Top 7 Apps for Windows 8.1

    Top 7 Apps for Windows 8.1

    However you feel about Windows 8.1 (opinions are very divided) it’s still an operating system that many people use. There’s a whole new layout for users to play around with, and there’s the app store too, ensuring that you’ve always got something to occupy your time. However, it’s not always so easy to find a […]

  • Does Wearable Tech Have a Future?

    Does Wearable Tech Have a Future?

    Wearables are definitely popular. Riding on the back of western society’s fascination with health, companies like Fitbit and Nike have made an impressive number of sales from their wearable fitness trackers. In the first quarter of this year 2.7 million wearable bands were shipped worldwide. Of those 2.7 million, half were Fitbit products. This is […]

  • Is Windows 8.1 Worth It for Gaming?

    Is Windows 8.1 Worth It for Gaming?

    The start button is back! This may be all that people seem to care about, in the latest update to Microsoft’s controversial new Windows, but there are actually some decent improvements in this substantial update. So, now that the idea of a Windows 8 PC isn’t one that makes you feel queasy, the big question […]

  • Heartbleed Bug – Are You Affected?

    Heartbleed Bug – Are You Affected?

    Are you affected by the Heartbleed Bug? The recent Heartbleed bug has been dubbed the biggest security threat the internet has seen. The vulnerability affected a huge number of popular and well-known websites and a large proportion of users ran the risk of having their sensitive account information exposed. Perhaps the most worrying thing is […]

  • Best Chromebox Apps

    Best Chromebox Apps

    Google’s latest software release, the Chromebox, has finally arrived and its catalog of apps is growing. Initially limited to Google’s carefully selected partners – Youtube, Netflix, and Vevo – the company released a Chromecast Software Development Kit (SDK) allowing app developers much more scope. Now, Chromecast apps are saturating the marketplace and it makes the […]

  • Will Office for iPad Kill Desktops?

    Will Office for iPad Kill Desktops?

    Microsoft Office was recently released for the iPad, receiving glowing reviews. However, the question still remains, are the apps the equal of their desktop counterparts? Or does the desktop still provide the best bang for your buck in a work environment? Office for iPad The office apps themselves are great, acting much like their Office […]

  • Migrate from Windows XP – Which OS?

    Migrate from Windows XP – Which OS?

    On April 8 2014, Microsoft officially pulled support for the aging XP operating system. This may be a problem for some businesses as there are still a surprising number using the 13-year-old OS. There may be reasons why these businesses have yet to upgrade, perhaps they are still happy with the service, but with a […]

  • Cloud Computing Demystified: Is Cloud Hosting Right For Your Server?

    Cloud Computing Demystified: Is Cloud Hosting Right For Your Server?

    If you’re at all familiar with the current trends of the online realm, then I’m sure you’ve heard of cloud computing. Today we examine this technology. We also examine whether or not cloud computing is the best solution for corporate servers. What is cloud computing? The simplest way to define cloud computing is to think […]