Category: Tech

  • 13 Best Movies Coming Out in 2015 for Geeks

    13 Best Movies Coming Out in 2015 for Geeks

    It’s hard to find an objective definition of “geek” – the term applies to many areas. This being a tech blog, we’ll go with this: “A knowledgeable and obsessive computer enthusiast” It’s from WordWeb, a Net-enabled dictionary and thesaurus. So the technology connection is sound. As for the movies, CGI and green screen techniques are […]

  • Top Tech Trends to Watch in 2015

    Top Tech Trends to Watch in 2015

    Certain technologies which have generated a buzz in recent years are expected to continue influencing our lives. Here are some of the anticipated developments or trends expected to shape the technology world in 2015: Big Data Predictive Analytics Big Data analysis is already being used to learn how to better sell products and services to […]

  • How To Use Amazon Web Services

    How To Use Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) have been around for nearly 10 years now. It all began in 2006 when they started offering IT infrastructure services to businesses – what is now more commonly known as cloud computing. Of course, cloud computing has literally soared far and away in popularity and usage over the past few years […]

  • LinkedIn Feature: The Cost Of Downtime

    LinkedIn Feature: The Cost Of Downtime

    Hello All! Now, because we know that you simply cannot get enough of the superlative content that we regularly produce for you here on our blog at PowerAdmin, we thought that we’d create some more for you lucky people. And so, starting today (February 11th 2015), we are posting up a very special extended 3-part […]

  • Top Women In Tech

    Top Women In Tech

    The world of tech, like so many industries, is still a male-dominated space. Which is why when women reach some of the highest positions in some of the world’s largest tech companies, we all need to sit up and take notice that it was not only their industry that they overcame, but the inherent frat-boy […]

  • The Top 3 Best Password Managers

    The Top 3 Best Password Managers

    There was once a time when all you needed to do was remember your email login password and you could be described as a top-notch password manager yourself. Not so anymore. With today’s business and even personal world taking place almost entirely online, we find ourselves having to remember sometimes literally dozens of passwords. As […]

  • Visual Marketing On Pinterest & Instagram

    Visual Marketing On Pinterest & Instagram

    More and more, marketers are turning their attentions towards the more visual social media platforms as opposed to the traditional outlets of Facebook and Twitter for their marketing campaigns. According to a Social Media Examiner survey that questioned nearly 3,000 marketers, social media marketing, and especially visual marketing, is now more highly valued than ever […]

  • Find Your Ideal Customers On Social Media

    Find Your Ideal Customers On Social Media

    Social media marketing can be a bit of a funny old game. While you can very quickly connect with literally hundreds and thousands of new followers, there is no guarantee that any of them will actually be the type to actively engage with your brand, nor indeed buy your product. As such, you may well […]

  • Top 5 Fake News Sites To Watch Out For

    Top 5 Fake News Sites To Watch Out For

    Ever come across a news item that made you sit back and wonder: “Hmm. Could that possibly be true?” As more and more people turn to social media (rather than more established sources) to get their news, this happens ever more frequently. Sometimes with good reason. There’s a sub-class of news websites out there whose […]

  • The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The internet is an increasingly important part of our daily lives. When it was first evolving, security was less of a concern. With the growth of cyberspace have come new opportunities – and new threats to match. Today’s cybercriminals are highly motivated professionals, often well-funded by criminal organizations or nation-states. At a lower level are […]