Category: PC Security

  • How to Remove Your Digital Footprint

    How to Remove Your Digital Footprint

    The internet has been around for some time now and it’s likely that there’s plenty of information on there that many people would rather be deleted. Plenty of devices connect to the internet these days and with the proliferation of smart devices, everything is generating data about you and your habits. For some people this […]

  • Deploying Terminal Services

    Deploying Terminal Services

    In this article we will discuss Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services available with newer versions of Windows Server. I will describe the main components that make up this technology and we will then install and configure this feature. A Terminal Server is a machine which offers RDP clients a way to connect and access […]

  • Do You Need to Tighten Up Your Business Security?

    Do You Need to Tighten Up Your Business Security?

    The online world is one that has its dangers, so it’s a good idea to consider your business and its security on the internet. For every contemporary business the ability to safely email, work remotely, and run its website is crucial to its day-to-day workings. The rules to keeping your business safe are often just […]

  • How Secure is Dropbox?

    How Secure is Dropbox?

    More and more companies are looking to harness the cloud as a part of their business. For many this starts out with centralizing all files on a cloud based service. Of all these services, Dropbox is the most widely known, but is it suitable for use within your business? The most important thing to consider […]

  • BitLocker and Windows Server 2008

    BitLocker and Windows Server 2008

    When planning a BitLocker deployment in your Windows Infrastructure, you’ll need to take into consideration many factors that can/will influence your network. This technology was first released with Windows Vista and introduced two important security features: encryption of hard drives and integrity check for data. This means that if a device was stolen, no data […]

  • Choosing the Right Antivirus Software

    Choosing the Right Antivirus Software

    While the internet is, at this point, a very polished entity, it’s not as safe and secure as it seems. Even the most tech-savvy user will likely take on some kind of malware or spyware at some point in their surfing career. Malware and spyware can wreak havoc, either slowing computers to a crawl or […]

  • Heartbleed Bug – Are You Affected?

    Heartbleed Bug – Are You Affected?

    Are you affected by the Heartbleed Bug? The recent Heartbleed bug has been dubbed the biggest security threat the internet has seen. The vulnerability affected a huge number of popular and well-known websites and a large proportion of users ran the risk of having their sensitive account information exposed. Perhaps the most worrying thing is […]

  • Understanding a DDoS Attack

    Understanding a DDoS Attack

    New research released this month has shown that DDoS attacks are on the rise in the UK and USA. DDoS attacks, otherwise known as Distributed Denial of Service attacks, are when someone or something tries to make an online service unavailable by bombarding it with huge streams of traffic from different sources. They can target […]

  • Migrate from Windows XP – Which OS?

    Migrate from Windows XP – Which OS?

    On April 8 2014, Microsoft officially pulled support for the aging XP operating system. This may be a problem for some businesses as there are still a surprising number using the 13-year-old OS. There may be reasons why these businesses have yet to upgrade, perhaps they are still happy with the service, but with a […]

  • Cloud Computing Demystified: Is Cloud Hosting Right For Your Server?

    Cloud Computing Demystified: Is Cloud Hosting Right For Your Server?

    If you’re at all familiar with the current trends of the online realm, then I’m sure you’ve heard of cloud computing. Today we examine this technology. We also examine whether or not cloud computing is the best solution for corporate servers. What is cloud computing? The simplest way to define cloud computing is to think […]