Category: PC Security

  • The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The Future of Cyber Security in The Home

    The internet is an increasingly important part of our daily lives. When it was first evolving, security was less of a concern. With the growth of cyberspace have come new opportunities – and new threats to match. Today’s cybercriminals are highly motivated professionals, often well-funded by criminal organizations or nation-states. At a lower level are […]

  • Shortage Of Cyber Security Professionals

    Shortage Of Cyber Security Professionals

    In October this year, at a Digital Skills Committee meeting that was hosted in the House of Lords in the UK, it was revealed that by 2017 there will be a global shortage of 2 million cyber security professionals. Why is this? Well, everything these days has an “internet layer”, as Stephanie Daman, CEO of […]

  • Is Antivirus Software Becoming Obsolete?

    Is Antivirus Software Becoming Obsolete?

    Viruses, trojans, worms – malware (a contraction of ‘malicious software’) come in many forms. Even though these threats have been around for decades, the volume has increased steadily in line with overall internet usage. What’s more, just as the sophistication and capabilities of technology has improved over the years, so too has the proficiency of […]

  • BYOD Security Threats and How to Solve Them

    BYOD Security Threats and How to Solve Them

    Bring your own device, or BYOD, is becoming an increasing trend within large and small businesses alike. Allowing employees to use their own devices has its benefits. It has been seen to increase productivity immensely by allowing employees to work from home and the freedom to work during commuting and outside the office has gone […]

  • Configure Network Address Protection w/ DHCP Enforcement

    Configure Network Address Protection w/ DHCP Enforcement

    In this article I will show you how to install and configure NAP with Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) enforcement. You may already be familiar with DHCP which is a service used to allocate network parameters automatically and offers a centralized way to manage your network devices. NAP is a security mechanism offered by the […]

  • How to Install & Configure Remote Access Servers

    How to Install & Configure Remote Access Servers

    VPN or Virtual Private Network has become one of the core components in large enterprises and as a System Administrator you will most certainly stumble upon this technology. There are multiple VPN equipment Vendors, each one with their own features. One of the things that all of these providers must agree on is using the […]

  • Shellshock vulnerability – worse than HeartBleed :(

    Shellshock vulnerability – worse than HeartBleed 🙁

    Do you remember HeartBleed from a few months back? There’s another huge vulnerability that just came to light: Shellshock. And this one is much worse than HeartBleed 🙁 Shellshock is based on a vulnerability in the Unix/Linux bash command processor. Bash can be forced to execute commands stored as ‘environment variables’ and unfortunately, many programs […]

  • Big Data and the Law

    Big Data and the Law

    Big Data is the term used to describe the commercial aggregation, mining, and analysis of very large, complex and unstructured datasets based on social media and Web-enabled workloads. Platforms like Google and LinkedIn have created a revenue stream from the data they collect. Everything from your Facebook posts and tweets, to your late-night shopping habits […]

  • 5 Business Alterations to Dropbox

    5 Business Alterations to Dropbox

    With the world of media ever careering forward, powered by the continuously changing, improving and updating technological landscape, there is an ever-increasing need for companies to be able to connect their teams instantly, all over the world. Since its initial release in 2008, Dropbox users have been synchronizing their personal data across multiple devices – […]

  • Google Glass Etiquette

    Google Glass Etiquette

    Wearable technology is moving away from the fringe, perhaps even from the ‘geeks’ and is now enjoying a more generalized reception. Google Glass is the tech giant’s offering and there are more and more people opting to wear the augmented reality eye wear. However with this new technology becoming more commonplace it becomes necessary to […]