Category: How To

  • Visual Marketing On Pinterest & Instagram

    Visual Marketing On Pinterest & Instagram

    More and more, marketers are turning their attentions towards the more visual social media platforms as opposed to the traditional outlets of Facebook and Twitter for their marketing campaigns. According to a Social Media Examiner survey that questioned nearly 3,000 marketers, social media marketing, and especially visual marketing, is now more highly valued than ever […]

  • Find Your Ideal Customers On Social Media

    Find Your Ideal Customers On Social Media

    Social media marketing can be a bit of a funny old game. While you can very quickly connect with literally hundreds and thousands of new followers, there is no guarantee that any of them will actually be the type to actively engage with your brand, nor indeed buy your product. As such, you may well […]

  • Choosing a Web Hosting Service

    Choosing a Web Hosting Service

    Once you’ve created a website, you’ll need a way to get it online, as well as some facilities with which to create and manage your content. There are a lot of companies out there, promising 99% uptime, unlimited resources, and knowledgeable support. This guide will help you decide which type of hosting package best suits […]

  • 5 Ways to Recycle Your Smartphone

    5 Ways to Recycle Your Smartphone

    The digital age brings with it many benefits. We now all have smartphones, dedicated personal computers that fit in our pockets. We’re the “always on, always connected” generation and we have access to vast quantities of data right at our fingertips. However, with every new innovation and technological addition there are the inevitable pros and […]

  • Top 10 Amusing Questions To Ask Siri

    Top 10 Amusing Questions To Ask Siri

    Since the iPhone 4S release back in October 2011, people have been falling in love with Siri the world over. In case you’re not familiar with it, Siri is your virtual personal assistant neatly stowed away within your phone. All you need to do is ask Siri a question – using your spoken voice – […]

  • Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server

    Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server

    Services and applications that are affected by high load require technologies to address this issue. Network Load Balancing is a technology that allows system administrators to configure clusters that distribute traffic between several servers. Suppose you have a website that receives a large number of requests and cannot be handled by one server. In this […]

  • Deploying Active Directory Certificate Services and Online Responder

    Deploying Active Directory Certificate Services and Online Responder

    Certificate Services has become one of the core components of any Active Directory infrastructure. A certification authority (CA) issues digital certificates to testify the authenticity of applications, users and computers. Digital certificates can be issued, revoked and renewed based on the necessities of the company. When deciding to deploy AD CS within your organization, you […]

  • Configure Network Address Protection w/ DHCP Enforcement

    Configure Network Address Protection w/ DHCP Enforcement

    In this article I will show you how to install and configure NAP with Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) enforcement. You may already be familiar with DHCP which is a service used to allocate network parameters automatically and offers a centralized way to manage your network devices. NAP is a security mechanism offered by the […]

  • How to Install & Configure Remote Access Servers

    How to Install & Configure Remote Access Servers

    VPN or Virtual Private Network has become one of the core components in large enterprises and as a System Administrator you will most certainly stumble upon this technology. There are multiple VPN equipment Vendors, each one with their own features. One of the things that all of these providers must agree on is using the […]

  • Managing Your Twitter Account

    Managing Your Twitter Account

    Twitter can be confusing especially for those new to social networking. There are lots of things to consider: Whom do I follow? What do I tweet? What on earth are hashtags? Finding the answers to these questions can take a bit of trial and error before you get into the swing of things, but, when […]