Category: General IT

  • Tips on Security Risk Assessment

    Tips on Security Risk Assessment

    By Des Nnochiri   Performing a security risk assessment has become an economic and functional necessity in the digital economy. Cyber-threats and many of the legal and operational aspects of data-handling now constitute as much of a challenge to enterprise success as effective marketing, and continuous service delivery.   A strong security posture, responsible data […]

  • Paging File Percent of Usage Counter

    Paging File Percent of Usage Counter

    By Zoë Dunning   Following last week’s article about monitoring CPU usage using Performance Monitor counters, this post concerns the “\Paging File\% Usage” counter. Overview “\Paging File\% Usage” displays the percentage of the paging file that is currently in use. A paging file is a hidden, optional system storage file on a hard disk. Only […]

  • Counters Monitoring CPU Usage

    Counters Monitoring CPU Usage

    By Zoë Dunning   This week’s topic is monitoring CPU usage using the “\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time” and “\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Queue Length” counters. Overview “\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time” shows the percentage of the time that the processor takes to execute a non-idle thread during a sample interval. In other words, this counter shows processor […]

  • Are You Up to Speed on the Big Star Labs Security Threat?

    Are You Up to Speed on the Big Star Labs Security Threat?

    By Des Nnochiri   The way apps and extensions can gather data on people has been drawn into sharp focus recently. While many people accept sacrificing a certain amount of privacy as the cost of a free-at-point-of-use internet, some companies clearly have been willing to cross the line into intrusion and manipulation.    The first […]

  • Pages Per Second Counters

    Pages Per Second Counters

    By Zoë Dunning   Continuing with last week’s article on Current and Average Disk Queue Length, this week we’ll discuss Pages Per Second and its related counters. Overview Just as you should monitor the number of requests that Current and Avg. Disk Queue Length represent in the queue to pinpoint possible bottleneck, you should also […]

  • Operation Data – The 18 Key Principles of DataOps

    Operation Data – The 18 Key Principles of DataOps

    by Des Nnochiri   The term DataOps was coined back in 2015 but only really became a significant force in professional circles during the latter part of 2017. But what is this latest tour de force in software development methodology?   Over the last decade, cloud technology has been well and truly embraced by organizations as […]

  • Current & Average Disk Queue Length Counters

    Current & Average Disk Queue Length Counters

    By Zoë Dunning   This article describes two Windows Performance Monitor disk queue length counters—Current Disk Queue Length and Average Disk Queue Length—identifies potential problems, and provides basic solutions. Overview “\Local Disk\Current Disk Queue Length” is a direct measurement of the number of requests present at the time that the performance data is collected. It […]

  • The Power of the Dark Side – Challenge and Opportunity Presented by Dark Data

    The Power of the Dark Side – Challenge and Opportunity Presented by Dark Data

    By Des Nnochiri   The concept of dark data is only just starting to gain prominence in IT circles. However, there is still a lot of confusion as to just what the term refers to, and the nature of the challenges and opportunities presented by the phenomenon. Dark Data? Dark Data refers to any digital […]

  • Does Edge Computing Have the Edge?

    Does Edge Computing Have the Edge?

    by Des Nnochiri   The use of mobile devices as endpoints for corporate and public networks continues as a prevailing trend, putting an emphasis on the need for readily available internet connections and data-processing capabilities.   Together with the growth and evolution of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), with its consumer and industry/infrastructure-level ecosystem […]

  • DNS in the Cloud– Solid or Not?

    DNS in the Cloud– Solid or Not?

    by Des Nnochiri   The Domain Name System (DNS) catalog maps text-based URLs to their specifically-numbered host systems. As the phone book or Yellow Pages of the internet, DNS governs the speed with which websites and online resources may be located, so the speed and robustness of your DNS service can have a profound impact […]