Category: General IT

  • Cyber Security in the Movies – Is It Realistic?

    Cyber Security in the Movies – Is It Realistic?

    By Des Nnochiri   Hacking in the movies looks so cool. Someone with a keyboard and five screens frantically types in some code, and a few seconds later: “I’m in.” That’s it– they now have all the information they need to access nuclear missile codes, blackmail a billionaire, or completely shut down a building’s security […]

  • A Quick Guide to Encrypted Messaging

    A Quick Guide to Encrypted Messaging

    By Des Nnochiri   With it now being so easy to share information, we have a tendency to over-divulge. We check into public places online, tell the world when we’re going on holiday and where, and send and receive risqué photos. However, when it became public knowledge that the NSA, internet service providers, and trusted […]

  • 7 Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

    7 Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

    Protecting your data, and that of your clients, should be central to all of your business practices. Customers entrust companies with often very sensitive data, and it should be used and stored safely. Cyber security should be a priority in companies of any size, but when you’re a small business without a big security budget, […]

  • What’s Next for Cloud Computing?

    What’s Next for Cloud Computing?

    By Des Nnochiri Over the last decade, cloud computing has revolutionized the way we handle and store data, which has, in turn, paved the way for greater innovations in technology. What can we expect from cloud computing as the technology advances? IBM’s Purchase of Red Hat On Sunday, October 28, 2018, tech giant IBM announced […]

  • 2018 Tech Start-Up Trends

    2018 Tech Start-Up Trends

    By Des Nnochiri   The majority of the public has a decent general knowledge of technology, especially as younger generations grow up surrounded by phones, tablets, and virtual reality simulations. However, with technology as an industry spanning across many categories and developers creating new specialisms each year, there are still those who distinguish themselves and […]

  • What Level of Anti-Virus Protection Do You Need?

    What Level of Anti-Virus Protection Do You Need?

    By Des Nnochiri   Let’s be honest; the answer to that question is simple. You need the best level, and if time, money, and factor X were not an issue, every computer in the land would be an impenetrable digital fortress. We could redirect that energy towards something more worthwhile, such as brokering world peace, […]

  • Five Customer Service Tools to Boost Your Business

    Five Customer Service Tools to Boost Your Business

    By Des Nnochiri   It’s a well-known and often repeated business motto that it is cheaper to retain customers than it is to attract new ones. In order to save on marketing, networking, and the cost of potentially losing disgruntled customers, your customer service needs to be on point. You should already have a strong […]

  • Counting the Pennies: Simple Ways to Reduce Your IT Costs

    Counting the Pennies: Simple Ways to Reduce Your IT Costs

    By Des Nnochiri   The IT industry is competitive, and in order to give your clients a good deal without sacrificing profits, it’s important to keep your costs as low as possible.   You should evaluate your expenses regularly, regardless of how long you have been operating, as you never know where you could be […]

  • Your Clear, Comprehensive Guide to VPNs

    Your Clear, Comprehensive Guide to VPNs

    By Des Nnochiri   VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, but what does it mean?   A physical network allows different machines to be connected to one another in the same room, building, etc. A virtual network allows you to create the same experience.   But instead of using reams of cables, it utilizes the […]

  • Why Your Internet Browser is Such a RAM Hog

    Why Your Internet Browser is Such a RAM Hog

    By Des Nnochiri   Savvy computer users have been ranting for years about how their internet browser hogs so much of their RAM. The issue has become so important that some are even using a platform’s RAM-consumption rate as the main factor affecting their decision to use it. Although shocking that a single application on […]