Category: General IT

  • Hosting Secure Websites on Amazon AWS

    Hosting Secure Websites on Amazon AWS

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently the market leader in hosted cloud provision. But you might not be aware that it can also be a hosting platform for your websites. This article considers how to set up a site using AWS – and how it can be kept secure. AWS and S3 You’ll first need […]

  • Comparing Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure

    Comparing Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure

    Research by Gartner Inc. suggests that the market for infrastructure as a service (Iaas) will reach $16.5 billion this year. Among the leaders in this sector are offerings from Amazon and Microsoft. In this article, we’ll look at how their products compare. The Old vs. The New Amazon Web Services (AWS) began operating in 2006, […]

  • Windows 2003 – Time’s Up!

    Windows 2003 – Time’s Up!

    As we speak with customers we hear about what they are using in their IT infrastructure.  And we know there are still a fair number of organizations that are using Windows 2003.  To be honest, it was a great workhorse — it did it’s job well and was pretty solid. However, support has ended and […]

  • Dilbert’s take on Network Monitoring Software

    Dilbert’s take on Network Monitoring Software

    DILBERT © 2012 Scott Adams. Used By permission of UNIVERSAL UCLICK. All rights reserved. Given that Dilbert said this in 2012, his stance is that good network monitoring software takes a solid 28 man-years to create.  Joel Spolsky famously said “good software takes ten years”.  We tend to agree.  PA Server Monitor is now more than 11 years old, […]

  • Funniest helpdesk/sysadmin stories.

    Funniest helpdesk/sysadmin stories.

    “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” Anybody who has ever worked in an IT support role will have uttered these immortal words at least once. Actually, let’s face it, they will have uttered them hundreds of times. So well known is this response that it was a catchphrase in the brilliant UK […]

  • The Times They are a Changing (Because of Mobile Technology)

    The Times They are a Changing (Because of Mobile Technology)

    I’m not entirely sure that is what Bob Dylan had in mind when he wrote those immortal words, but let’s go with it anyway, OK? If asked to nominate the most significant invention in recent years (or arguably, in all years) it’s hard to come up with a more worthwhile candidate than the smartphone. These […]

  • Installing and configuring DirectAccess in Windows Server 2012 – Part 2

    Installing and configuring DirectAccess in Windows Server 2012 – Part 2

      By now we’ve learned about the main principles behind DirectAccess, its features, how to install it and we’ve started configuring it on a Windows Server 2012 box. I’ve previously pointed out that there are four main steps that needs consideration in order to successfully deploy DirectAccess, we’ve completed the first one in the last […]

  • Just What Exactly is DevOps?

    Just What Exactly is DevOps?

    DevOps is officially an amalgam of Developers and Operations, two separate strands of the software management and network administration processes. Development and Operations are often in contention with each other – but both are essential to success. DevOps sets out to bring the two together, and have them work in harmony. It started as a […]

  • Top 5 Funniest Help-Desk & SysAdmin Stories

    Top 5 Funniest Help-Desk & SysAdmin Stories

    “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” Anybody who has ever worked in an IT support role will have uttered these immortal words at least once. Actually, let’s face it, they will have uttered them hundreds of times. So, well known is this response that it was a catchphrase in the brilliant UK […]

  • Thanks for the Memory: Did You Celebrate SysAdmin Day?

    Thanks for the Memory: Did You Celebrate SysAdmin Day?

    July 31st was SysAdmin Day! Did you … celebrate? What? What do you mean you haven’t heard of SysAdmin Day? Well, I’ll have you know that for the last sixteen years, the last Friday of July (the time at which I am penning this entry) have been dedicated to those heroic men and women who […]