Author: William Thompson

  • Dell PowerEdge 2950: Quieting the Loud Fans! Part 2

    Cont’d from Dell PowerEdge 2950 Server: Quieting the Loud Fans!   When you have successfully placed the shrink tubes and soldered all the wires together, you should have something similar to the picture below now. You are now ready to fire up the grill lighter and shrink the tubes in place.       Heating […]

  • An Overview of the New Windows 8 Enterprise Edition – Part 2

    Cont’d from “An Overview of the New Windows 8 Enterprise Edition – Part 1” Faster Start-up This is something that will be welcomed by both users and employers alike. All previous versions of Windows take a seemingly long time to boot-up. It results in staff being unoccupied and bored, and to the employer, when multiplied […]

  • 3 Signs Your Web Server’s Security has been Compromised – Part 2

    Code Project Cont’d from “3 Signs that your Web Server’s Security has been Compromised” #2: Check-out the Admin Interfaces Most web applications have some sort of administrative interface. These can be used as an ideal way of allowing hackers into your system. Hackers are often able to manipulate any inherent weaknesses when it comes to […]

  • Preparing a Disaster Recovery Plan for your Business – Cont’d

    …cont’d from “How to Prepare a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for your Business” Gaining Board Approval If the person compiling the DRP is not the owner of the business, then the owner’s approval and consent must be sought and gained. Whilst the IT professional will take into account all of the operational issues, things like […]

  • How to Prepare a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for your Business

    How to Prepare a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for your Business

    In the same way that formulating a business plan is essential when thinking of starting up a new business, formulating a disaster recovery plan (DRP) is essential once your IT infrastructure is in place, especially if you deal with data that requires auditing (such as customer credit card details, for example). The Basic Steps in […]

  • How Monitoring Software can Help to Protect Against CryptoLocker

    How Monitoring Software can Help to Protect Against CryptoLocker

    If you spend a lot of time online, are pretty tech savvy or are in the technology sector, then there’s little doubt that you’ve come across the term ransomware here and there. In a nutshell, ransomware is a type of malware that infects a computer and effectively puts up a lock screen that holds the […]

  • PA Server Monitor Review at IT Training Day

    PA Server Monitor Review at IT Training Day

    The friendly folks over at IT training day recently started using our premiere product, PA Server Monitor. Dan has written about his experience so far using it here: He also said he is going to add updates to the blog as he uses the product more and becomes more familiar with it. Take a […]

  • PA Server Monitor Subscription Price Increase

    PA Server Monitor Subscription Price Increase

    We know, change can be rough! But sometimes it is inevitable. In the next few days the price of the PA Server Monitor Subscription will be increasing. We wanted to let you know that you will NOT be affected if you subscribe before Wednesday, November 27, 2013. Your account will grandfathered in to the same […]

  • 3 Signs Your Web Server’s Security has been Compromised

    3 Signs Your Web Server’s Security has been Compromised

    More than ever, businesses have to be careful of attacks on servers and business networks to ensure that their data, and that of their customers’, are fully protected. This is especially true of sensitive data such as credit card and personal details, especially as a failure to protect this could incur a hefty fine when […]

  • An Overview of the New Windows 8 Enterprise Edition

    An Overview of the New Windows 8 Enterprise Edition

    Not since the launch of the Windows Vista operating system has there been so much negativity about the latest upgrade of Windows for consumers. But is it really justified, or is it simply misinformation and/or the lack of information that has driven large swathes of the business community to avoid it thus far?   Setting […]